Caribes - Top Ultimate    9 - 8

#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
28Orlando Araúz134
20Cristian Pinzón123
0Edgar Orozco213
99Christian Cifuentes022
77Diego Frauca112
12Roberto Vinazco202
15Fernando Gabriel Morales Frauca101
18Carlos Pérez101
21Francisco Adragna000
11Miguel Adragna000
9Victor Arredondo000
22Salvatore Bacile000
6Gabriel Bolívar000
26Andres Bonilla000
7Wilmer García000
70Miguel Alejandro Guzmán000
1Ricardo Hurtada000
30Jaime Lombana000
87Roberto Lombana000
98Javier Mendez000
3Jose Andres Mendez000
80José Morales Frauca000
14Carlos Rivas000
4Omar Rojas000
88Julio Semidey000
17Moises Solís000
42Rafael Torres000
Top Ultimate
53Diego Rothery325
24Harold Henry314
128Ivan Alberto Bernal011
89Juan David Castillero011
68Alejandro Doval011
69Kevin Doval011
30Tyler Mead011
28José Gámez101
10Brian Marcano101
17Ricardo Acosta000
27Julio Fong000
97Brahian Gonzalez000
2Paolo Leonelli000
11Luigi Lescure000
7Alvaro Monagas000
18Keinys Salamanca000
13Alexander Samos000
25Fabio Solanilla000
6Ricardo Andres Tovar Urbina000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0Carlos Pérez Diego Frauca 3.003.00
Offence 0.00
1 - 1Harold Henry Diego Rothery 6.003.00
2 - 1Edgar Orozco Christian Cifuentes 9.003.00
2 - 2Harold Henry Juan David Castillero 12.003.00
3 - 2Roberto Vinazco Cristian Pinzón 15.003.00
3 - 3Diego Rothery Tyler Mead 18.003.00
4 - 3Cristian Pinzón Edgar Orozco 21.003.00
4 - 4Brian Marcano Harold Henry 24.003.00
5 - 4Roberto Vinazco Orlando Araúz 27.003.00
5 - 5Diego Rothery Ivan Alberto Bernal 31.001.00
6 - 5Orlando Araúz Cristian Pinzón 34.003.00
6 - 6José Gámez Diego Rothery 37.003.00
7 - 6Diego Frauca Orlando Araúz 40.003.00
7 - 7Harold Henry Kevin Doval 43.003.00
8 - 7Fernando Gabriel Morales Frauca Orlando Araúz 47.004.00
8 - 8Diego Rothery Alejandro Doval 50.003.00
9 - 8Edgar Orozco Christian Cifuentes 53.003.00

Game statistics

CaribesTop Ultimate
Goals: 9 8
Time on offence: 28.00 min (56.0 %) 22.00 min (44.0 %)
Time on defence: 22.00 min (44.0 %) 28.00 min (56.0 %)
Time on offence/goal: 3.06 min 2.45 min
Time on defence/goal: 2.45 min 3.06 min
Goals from starting on offence: 9/9 (100.0 %) 8/8 (100.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 0/8 (0.0 %) 0/9 (0.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 0 0
Time-outs: 0 0

SOTG results

CaribesTop Ultimate
Spirit points: 10 8
Rules Knowledge and Use: 2 1
Fouls and Body Contact: 2 2
Fair-Mindedness: 2 2
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: 2 1
Communication: 2 2

Game history