Triple Equis - Hormigas Atómicas 4 - 7
Scores | Assist | Goal | Time | Dur. | Game events |
0 - 1 | Ronald Medina | Claudia Gonzalez | 5.04 | 5.04 | Offence 0.00 |
0 - 2 | Ana Moreno | Carlos Equiz | 7.51 | 2.47 | |
0 - 3 | Ana Moreno | Ana Him | 9.45 | 1.54 | |
1 - 3 | Felipe Ledezma | Cristian Pinzón | 18.07 | 8.22 | Time-out 12.43 |
2 - 3 | Paola Amado | Gabriel Lopez | 26.42 | 8.35 | Time-out 18.30 |
2 - 4 | Kevin Carles | Claudia Gonzalez | 29.16 | 2.34 | |
Half-time |
2 - 5 | Ronald Medina | Ulises Achurra | 37.51 | 5.05 | |
2 - 6 | Juan Vásquez | Sarah Rivera | 49.00 | 11.09 | Time-out 41.50 |
2 - 7 | Ulises Achurra | Ana Him | 53.11 | 4.11 | |
3 - 7 | Gabriel Lopez | Ana Laura Wong | 57.49 | 4.38 | |
4 - 7 | Felipe Ledezma | Cristian Pinzón | 67.39 | 9.50 | Time-out 64.15 |
Game official: Anita Nuñez
Game statistics
| Triple Equis | Hormigas Atómicas |
Goals: | 4 | 7 |
Time on offence: |
38.05 min (59.4 %) |
26.04 min (40.6 %) |
Time on defence: |
26.04 min (40.6 %) |
38.05 min (59.4 %) |
Time on offence/goal: |
9.31 min |
3.43 min |
Time on defence/goal: |
3.43 min |
9.31 min |
Goals from starting on offence: |
2/7 (28.6 %) |
2/4 (50.0 %) |
Goals from starting on defence: |
2/4 (50.0 %) |
5/7 (71.4 %) |
Goals from turnovers: |
2 |
5 |
Time-outs: |
2 |
2 |
SOTG results
| Triple Equis | Hormigas Atómicas |
Spirit points: |
9 |
9 |
Rules Knowledge and Use: |
2 |
2 |
Fouls and Body Contact: |
2 |
2 |
Fair-Mindedness: |
2 |
2 |
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: |
2 |
2 |
Communication: |
1 |
1 |
Game history