71.10 5-6 Moreno Sergio -> Lee Jhonatan
Ñeques - Pokemones 5 - 6
Scores | Assist | Goal | Time | Dur. | Game events |
0 - 1 | Sofia Brandelik | Sebastian Brandelik | 4.40 | 4.40 | | 1 - 1 | Diego Guerrero | Mariana Bencid | 7.05 | 2.25 | | 1 - 2 | Sofia Brandelik | Luisa Robles | 10.20 | 3.15 | | 2 - 2 | Diego Guerrero | Carlos Equiz | 11.55 | 1.35 | | 3 - 2 | Carlos Equiz | Sofía Elena Sandoval Cedeño | 21.15 | 9.20 | Time-out 15.00 | 3 - 3 | Luisa Robles | Sofia Brandelik | 23.30 | 2.15 | | 3 - 4 | Luisa Robles | Sofia Brandelik | 38.00 | 14.30 | Time-out 28.00 | Half-time | 3 - 5 | Gabriela Gonzalez | Sebastian Brandelik | 45.30 | 3.30 | | 4 - 5 | Diego Guerrero | Ivan Torres | 48.45 | 3.15 | | 5 - 5 | Sofía Elena Sandoval Cedeño | Alexander Guillen | 56.30 | 7.45 | | 5 - 6 | Sergio Moreno | Jhonatan Lee | 71.10 | 14.40 | Time-out 58.20 |
Game statistics
| Ñeques | Pokemones |
Goals: | 5 | 6 |
Time on offence: |
25.15 min (37.6 %) |
41.55 min (62.4 %) |
Time on defence: |
41.55 min (62.4 %) |
25.15 min (37.6 %) |
Time on offence/goal: |
5.03 min |
6.59 min |
Time on defence/goal: |
6.59 min |
5.03 min |
Goals from starting on offence: |
3/5 (60.0 %) |
4/6 (66.7 %) | Goals from starting on defence: |
2/6 (33.3 %) |
2/5 (40.0 %) | Goals from turnovers: |
2 |
2 | Time-outs: |
1 |
2 |
SOTG results
| Ñeques | Pokemones |
Spirit points: |
10 |
7 |
Rules Knowledge and Use: |
2 |
1 |
Fouls and Body Contact: |
2 |
1 |
Fair-Mindedness: |
2 |
1 |
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: |
2 |
2 |
Communication: |
2 |
2 |
Game history