West Coast - Top Ultimate    8 - 9

West Coast
#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
10Rogelio Fú224
12Félix Palmer112
88Erick Alonzo202
99Carlos Nuñez202
8Cristian Cardozo011
100Carlos Chavez011
6Victor De Gracia011
86John González011
25Alexiano Ramos011
44Carlos Nuñez (C)101
24Leonel Carreiro000
7Xavier De León000
92Osvaldo Gonzalez000
18Kevin Hidalgo000
43Diego Motta000
29Andrés Rodríguez000
69Ediniel Trejos000
Top Ultimate
69Kevin Doval145
97Brahian Gonzalez112
24Harold Henry112
19Zachariah Pusti112
53Diego Rothery (C)202
30Tyler Mead011
99Douglas Vasquez011
34Guillermo Blanco101
68Alejandro Doval101
10Brian Marcano101
17Ricardo Acosta000
28José Daniel Gámez000
2Paolo Leonelli000
7Alvaro Monagas000
71Alex Reyes000
84Gianluca Rovetto000
87Daniel Sierra000
33Maikol Torres000
6Ricardo Andres Tovar Urbina000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0Rogelio Fú Cristian Cardozo 2.302.30
Offence 0.00
1 - 1Brahian Gonzalez Kevin Doval 8.095.39
2 - 1Carlos Nuñez Félix Palmer 10.452.36
2 - 2Zachariah Pusti Brahian Gonzalez 12.411.56
3 - 2Rogelio Fú Victor De Gracia 14.301.49
4 - 2Erick Alonzo John González 19.214.51
4 - 3Alejandro Doval Kevin Doval 22.473.26
5 - 3Erick Alonzo Alexiano Ramos 26.203.33
5 - 4Diego Rothery Kevin Doval 29.273.07
5 - 5Kevin Doval Douglas Vasquez 35.122.45
5 - 6Harold Henry Tyler Mead 37.512.39
5 - 7Diego Rothery Zachariah Pusti 41.183.27
Time-out 39.41
5 - 8Brian Marcano Harold Henry 45.013.43
6 - 8Félix Palmer Rogelio Fú 46.551.54
6 - 9Guillermo Blanco Kevin Doval 50.103.15
7 - 9Carlos Nuñez Rogelio Fú 53.012.51
8 - 9Carlos Nuñez Carlos Chavez 54.451.44

Game official: Arundel Hall

Game statistics

West CoastTop Ultimate
Goals: 8 9
Time on offence: 25.02 min (48.4 %) 26.43 min (51.6 %)
Time on defence: 26.43 min (51.6 %) 25.02 min (48.4 %)
Time on offence/goal: 3.07 min 2.58 min
Time on defence/goal: 2.58 min 3.07 min
Goals from starting on offence: 6/9 (66.7 %) 6/8 (75.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 2/8 (25.0 %) 3/9 (33.3 %)
Goals from turnovers: 2 3
Time-outs: 0 1

SOTG results

West CoastTop Ultimate
Spirit points: 6 5
Rules Knowledge and Use: 1 1
Fouls and Body Contact: 2 1
Fair-Mindedness: 1 1
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: 1 1
Communication: 1 1

Game history