West Coast - Esparta    8 - 13

West Coast
#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
10Rogelio Fú224
75Peters Gastelbondo314
7Xavier De León022
18Kevin Hidalgo022
12Félix Palmer202
6Victor De Gracia011
88Erick Alonzo101
8Cristian Cardozo000
24Leonel Carreiro000
100Carlos Chavez000
0Dionel Gomez000
25Alexiano Ramos000
29Andrés Rodríguez000
69Ediniel Trejos000
42Sebastian Brandelik134
14Kevin Carles314
33Ulises Achurra404
28Thomas Weinert033
24Carlos Equiz123
4Ronald Medina303
20Mario Arosemena022
17Diego Guerrero011
27Sergio Moreno011
15Felix De Gracia101
19José Alexis Apolayo000
11Harmodio Cedeño000
93Ricauter Fernández000
98Giorgio Minghelli000
50Felipe Rettally000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1Ulises Achurra Thomas Weinert 3.353.35
0 - 2Kevin Carles Sebastian Brandelik 6.252.50
0 - 3Carlos Equiz Mario Arosemena 9.202.55
0 - 4Ronald Medina Sebastian Brandelik 12.152.55
1 - 4Félix Palmer Rogelio Fú 18.055.50
Time-out 14.25
1 - 5Kevin Carles Thomas Weinert 20.402.35
2 - 5Rogelio Fú Xavier De León 26.406.00
Time-out 24.15
2 - 6Felix De Gracia Carlos Equiz 29.152.35
3 - 6Rogelio Fú Kevin Hidalgo 33.204.05
3 - 7Ulises Achurra Thomas Weinert 35.402.20
4 - 7Erick Alonzo Peters Gastelbondo 40.204.40
4 - 8Ulises Achurra Carlos Equiz 42.202.00
5 - 8Peters Gastelbondo Xavier De León 53.056.30
5 - 9Ulises Achurra Diego Guerrero 57.003.55
6 - 9Peters Gastelbondo Rogelio Fú 59.402.40
7 - 9Peters Gastelbondo Victor De Gracia 65.406.00
Time-out 62.40
7 - 10Ronald Medina Sebastian Brandelik 66.501.10
7 - 11Kevin Carles Mario Arosemena 69.452.55
8 - 11Félix Palmer Kevin Hidalgo 72.302.45
8 - 12Ronald Medina Sergio Moreno 74.452.15
8 - 13Sebastian Brandelik Kevin Carles 78.203.35

Game official: Fernanda Padilla

Game statistics

West CoastEsparta
Goals: 8 13
Time on offence: 47.40 min (64.3 %) 26.25 min (35.7 %)
Time on defence: 26.25 min (35.7 %) 47.40 min (64.3 %)
Time on offence/goal: 5.57 min 2.01 min
Time on defence/goal: 2.01 min 5.57 min
Goals from starting on offence: 7/12 (58.3 %) 8/9 (88.9 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 1/9 (11.1 %) 5/12 (41.7 %)
Goals from turnovers: 1 5
Time-outs: 1 2

SOTG results

West CoastEsparta
Spirit points: 7 5
Rules Knowledge and Use: 1 1
Fouls and Body Contact: 1 1
Fair-Mindedness: 1 1
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: 2 1
Communication: 2 1

Game history