Ushh - Esparta    9 - 8

#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
31Kevin Doval033
53Diego Rothery022
10Juan Fernando Castillo112
1Andres Duque112
0Enzo Castillo202
24Samuel Castillo202
72Dubel Cubilla011
80Miguel Angel Herrera011
9Anthony Bonilla101
5Alejandro Doval101
8Juan Carlos Osorio101
88Cristian Cardoso000
13Jorge Córdoba000
22Luis Felipe Cruz000
69Yossef De Franco000
27Julio Fong000
33Abdeel Guevara000
26Felipe Lagos000
77Antonio Ledezma000
29Felipe Ledezma000
21Eduardo León000
25Gabriel Lopez000
12Fernando Ramos000
43Luis Rodriguez000
91Gianluca Rovetto000
11Renzo Saleh000
2Fabio Solanilla000
20Andres Sosa000
4Ronald Medina303
13Angel Arbelaez022
11Harmodio Cedeño022
28Thomas Weinert112
0Jair Alonzo011
6Sebastian Brandelik011
17Diego Guerrero011
14Kevin Carles101
24Carlos Equiz101
27Sergio Moreno101
97Ricardo José Tóndolo Wilhelm101
33Ulises Achurra000
91Juan Diego Ahumada000
19José Alexis Apolayo000
77Rafael Carrillo000
15Felix De Gracia000
25Angel Fernandez000
18Giorgio Minghelli000
95Fernando Pinillo000
31Juan Vásquez000
23Pablo Vega000
88Guillermo Willburn000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1Carlos Equiz Harmodio Cedeño 0.550.55
1 - 1Samuel Castillo Kevin Doval 3.052.10
2 - 1Anthony Bonilla Diego Rothery 6.103.05
3 - 1Enzo Castillo Miguel Angel Herrera 9.553.45
3 - 2Ronald Medina Harmodio Cedeño 13.153.20
4 - 2Juan Fernando Castillo Kevin Doval 15.202.05
4 - 3Ronald Medina Diego Guerrero 17.151.55
4 - 4Kevin Carles Thomas Weinert 24.257.10
Time-out 22.20
5 - 4Juan Carlos Osorio Kevin Doval 26.352.10
5 - 5Sergio Moreno Angel Arbelaez 30.003.25
5 - 6Thomas Weinert Angel Arbelaez 38.308.30
Time-out 35.55
6 - 6Samuel Castillo Dubel Cubilla 43.551.25
7 - 6Andres Duque Diego Rothery 46.202.25
8 - 6Enzo Castillo Juan Fernando Castillo 56.5510.35
Time-out 52.55
Time-out 54.50
9 - 6Alejandro Doval Andres Duque 61.454.50
9 - 7Ricardo José Tóndolo Wilhelm Jair Alonzo 66.004.15
9 - 8Ronald Medina Sebastian Brandelik 82.4016.40
Time-out 69.35

Game statistics

Goals: 9 8
Time on offence: 40.10 min (51.1 %) 38.30 min (48.9 %)
Time on defence: 38.30 min (48.9 %) 40.10 min (51.1 %)
Time on offence/goal: 4.27 min 4.48 min
Time on defence/goal: 4.48 min 4.27 min
Goals from starting on offence: 4/7 (57.1 %) 5/10 (50.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 5/10 (50.0 %) 3/7 (42.9 %)
Goals from turnovers: 5 3
Time-outs: 2 3

SOTG results

Spirit points: 10 10
Rules Knowledge and Use: 2 2
Fouls and Body Contact: 2 2
Fair-Mindedness: 2 2
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: 2 2
Communication: 2 2

Game history