Raiders - Barrios Panama    2 - 15

#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
2Ana Sofia Rodriguez011
4Daniel Saavedra011
29Juan Jesus Barbero101
0Octavio Ferrer101
89Juan David Castillero000
22Carlos de Castro000
5Eduardo Healy000
30Jaime Lombana000
21Roberto Lombana000
12Vicente Maucci000
8Juan Raul Porras000
6Eduardo Spiegel000
3Carlos Velarde000
Barrios Panama
6Erick Alonzo10010
1Karban Henry437
12Isaac Bedoya033
13Luis Dominguez033
55Edwin Enrique Ramirez033
5Alexiano Ramos123
8Justin Samudio011
14David Aguirre000
7Antoni Alonzo000
2Gisela Cuesta000
17Jimena Escala000
100Yaricelis Ortiz000
11Oscar Rios000
10Melani Santos000
1 - 0Juan Jesus Barbero Ana Sofia Rodriguez 1.001.00
2 - 0Octavio Ferrer Daniel Saavedra 2.001.00
2 - 1Alexiano Ramos Alexiano Ramos 3.001.00
2 - 2Erick Alonzo Alexiano Ramos 4.001.00
2 - 3Erick Alonzo Edwin Enrique Ramirez 5.001.00
2 - 4Erick Alonzo Edwin Enrique Ramirez 6.001.00
2 - 5Erick Alonzo Edwin Enrique Ramirez 7.001.00
2 - 6Erick Alonzo Isaac Bedoya 8.001.00
2 - 7Erick Alonzo Isaac Bedoya 9.001.00
2 - 8Erick Alonzo Isaac Bedoya 10.001.00
2 - 9Erick Alonzo Karban Henry 11.001.00
2 - 10Erick Alonzo Karban Henry 12.001.00
2 - 11Erick Alonzo Karban Henry 13.001.00
2 - 12Karban Henry Justin Samudio 14.001.00
2 - 13Karban Henry Luis Dominguez 15.001.00
2 - 14Karban Henry Luis Dominguez 16.001.00
2 - 15Karban Henry Luis Dominguez 17.001.00

Game statistics

RaidersBarrios Panama
Goals: 2 15
Time on offence: 14.00 min (82.4 %) 3.00 min (17.6 %)
Time on defence: 3.00 min (17.6 %) 14.00 min (82.4 %)
Time on offence/goal: 7.00 min 0.12 min
Time on defence/goal: 0.12 min 7.00 min
Goals from starting on offence: 0/14 (0.0 %) 1/3 (33.3 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 2/3 (66.7 %) 14/14 (100.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 2 14
Time-outs: 0 0

SOTG results

RaidersBarrios Panama
Spirit points: 8 13
Rules Knowledge and Use: 2 2
Fouls and Body Contact: 2 3
Fair-Mindedness: 1 2
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: 1 4
Communication: 2 2

Game history