Dragons - Eagles    8 - 3

#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
5Declan Kelly134
7Juan Miranda033
2Camilo Perez112
10Silvio Perez Triana202
1Andres Pinzon202
3David Zelenka011
6Javier Etcheverry101
33Samuel Guada101
4David Cedeño000
8Juan Gonzalez000
9Samuel Castillo303
1Carlos Arauz011
7Mathias Besoain011
6Leonardo Castillo011
2Daniel Abou000
3Diego Hernandez000
4Jesus Hernandez000
8Niccolo Lugo000
5Juan Pablo Ortiz000
1 - 0Andres Pinzon Juan Miranda 1.001.00
2 - 0Andres Pinzon Juan Miranda 2.001.00
3 - 0Camilo Perez Declan Kelly 3.001.00
4 - 0Declan Kelly Juan Miranda 4.001.00
5 - 0Javier Etcheverry Declan Kelly 5.001.00
6 - 0Samuel Guada Declan Kelly 6.001.00
7 - 0Silvio Perez Triana David Zelenka 7.001.00
8 - 0Silvio Perez Triana Camilo Perez 8.001.00
8 - 1Samuel Castillo Carlos Arauz 9.001.00
8 - 2Samuel Castillo Leonardo Castillo 10.001.00
8 - 3Samuel Castillo Mathias Besoain 11.001.00

Game statistics

Goals: 8 3
Time on offence: 2.00 min (18.2 %) 9.00 min (81.8 %)
Time on defence: 9.00 min (81.8 %) 2.00 min (18.2 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.15 min 3.00 min
Time on defence/goal: 3.00 min 0.15 min
Goals from starting on offence: 0/2 (0.0 %) 1/9 (11.1 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 8/9 (88.9 %) 2/2 (100.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 8 2
Time-outs: 0 0

SOTG results

Spirit points: 10 11
Rules Knowledge and Use: 2 2
Fouls and Body Contact: 1 2
Fair-Mindedness: 2 3
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: 4 3
Communication: 1 1

Game history