Barrios Panama - Lions    6 - 7

Barrios Panama
#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
4Karban Henry213
8Jhokstin Ladera022
13Uriel Pineda202
10Oscar Rios202
11Ronaldo Mezua011
12Roniel Prestan011
1Abraham Samudio011
2Antoni Alonzo000
5Isaac Bedoya000
6Ivan Gonzalez000
7Javier Gonzalez000
9Jhonny Palacios000
3Cesar Sanchez000
1Alejandro Rey077
13Sergio Pebar707
3Diego Castillo000
5Eduardo Chan000
12Mateo Cotrina000
6Erik Diaz000
10Juan Hassan000
9José Huerta000
7Frank Jimenez000
8Ian Luka Madriñan000
4Diego Mirabal000
2Arturo Parrilla000
11Manuel Rueda000
1 - 0Karban Henry Jhokstin Ladera 1.001.00
2 - 0Karban Henry Jhokstin Ladera 2.001.00
3 - 0Uriel Pineda Karban Henry 3.001.00
4 - 0Uriel Pineda Ronaldo Mezua 4.001.00
5 - 0Oscar Rios Roniel Prestan 5.001.00
6 - 0Oscar Rios Abraham Samudio 6.001.00
6 - 1Sergio Pebar Alejandro Rey 7.001.00
6 - 2Sergio Pebar Alejandro Rey 8.001.00
6 - 3Sergio Pebar Alejandro Rey 9.001.00
6 - 4Sergio Pebar Alejandro Rey 10.001.00
6 - 5Sergio Pebar Alejandro Rey 11.001.00
6 - 6Sergio Pebar Alejandro Rey 12.001.00
6 - 7Sergio Pebar Alejandro Rey 13.001.00

Game statistics

Barrios PanamaLions
Goals: 6 7
Time on offence: 6.00 min (46.2 %) 7.00 min (53.8 %)
Time on defence: 7.00 min (53.8 %) 6.00 min (46.2 %)
Time on offence/goal: 1.00 min 1.00 min
Time on defence/goal: 1.00 min 1.00 min
Goals from starting on offence: 0/6 (0.0 %) 1/7 (14.3 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 6/7 (85.7 %) 6/6 (100.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 6 6
Time-outs: 0 0

SOTG results

Barrios PanamaLions
Spirit points:
Rules Knowledge and Use:
Fouls and Body Contact:
Positive Attitude and Self-Control:

Game history