Mustangs - Lions    10 - 7

#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
2Ediniel Trejos426
11Samuel Castillo314
4Gabriel Ramirez213
1Carlos Arauz022
6José Morales Frauca022
8Matias Escobar011
10Nicolas Palma011
9Michael Sapzink101
5Giancarlo Fabrega Romagosa000
3Gabriel Medina000
7Luis Rodriguez000
1Alejandro Rey134
8Jose Gonzalez123
7Ian Luka Madriñan303
4Diego Castillo022
12Sergio Perez Barboni202
6Giancarlo Castillo000
5Eduardo Chan000
3Camilo Falcon000
9José Huerta000
2Arturo Parrilla000
11Manuel Rueda000
1 - 0Michael Sapzink Samuel Castillo 1.001.00
2 - 0Ediniel Trejos Gabriel Ramirez 2.001.00
3 - 0Ediniel Trejos Carlos Arauz 3.001.00
4 - 0Ediniel Trejos Carlos Arauz 4.001.00
5 - 0Ediniel Trejos José Morales Frauca 5.001.00
6 - 0Gabriel Ramirez José Morales Frauca 6.001.00
7 - 0Gabriel Ramirez Nicolas Palma 7.001.00
8 - 0Samuel Castillo Ediniel Trejos 8.001.00
9 - 0Samuel Castillo Ediniel Trejos 9.001.00
10 - 0Samuel Castillo Matias Escobar 10.001.00
10 - 1Jose Gonzalez Diego Castillo 11.001.00
10 - 2Alejandro Rey Diego Castillo 12.001.00
10 - 3Ian Luka Madriñan Alejandro Rey 13.001.00
10 - 4Ian Luka Madriñan Alejandro Rey 14.001.00
10 - 5Ian Luka Madriñan Alejandro Rey 15.001.00
10 - 6Sergio Perez Barboni Jose Gonzalez 16.001.00
10 - 7Sergio Perez Barboni Jose Gonzalez 17.001.00

Game statistics

Goals: 10 7
Time on offence: 6.00 min (35.3 %) 11.00 min (64.7 %)
Time on defence: 11.00 min (64.7 %) 6.00 min (35.3 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.36 min 1.34 min
Time on defence/goal: 1.34 min 0.36 min
Goals from starting on offence: 0/6 (0.0 %) 1/11 (9.1 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 10/11 (90.9 %) 6/6 (100.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 10 6
Time-outs: 0 0

SOTG results

Spirit points:
Rules Knowledge and Use:
Fouls and Body Contact:
Positive Attitude and Self-Control:

Game history