Raiders - Balboa    2 - 5

#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
9Jose David Cordoba022
8Jorge Andre Córdoba101
1Benjamin Epifanio101
7Irene Cabaleiro000
11Juan Sebastian Lagos000
3Daniela Pinzon000
12Samuel Pinzon000
10Juan Diego Pita000
6Fabian Real000
4Emilio Zapata000
7Lucas Gomez033
3Andres Fabian Blanco202
11Valentino Vallone202
8Mila 011
1Alec Rafael Perez Silva011
6Julietta 101
5Estela 000
9Olivia 000
2Amparo Andino000
4Bravo Bravo000
10Ollie Hughe000
12Victoria Jakits000
1 - 0Benjamin Epifanio Jose David Cordoba 1.001.00
2 - 0Jorge Andre Córdoba Jose David Cordoba 2.001.00
2 - 1Andres Fabian Blanco Alec Rafael Perez Silva 3.001.00
2 - 2Andres Fabian Blanco Lucas Gomez 4.001.00
2 - 3Valentino Vallone Lucas Gomez 5.001.00
2 - 4Valentino Vallone Lucas Gomez 6.001.00
2 - 5Julietta  Mila  7.001.00

Game statistics

Goals: 2 5
Time on offence: 4.00 min (57.1 %) 3.00 min (42.9 %)
Time on defence: 3.00 min (42.9 %) 4.00 min (57.1 %)
Time on offence/goal: 2.00 min 0.36 min
Time on defence/goal: 0.36 min 2.00 min
Goals from starting on offence: 0/4 (0.0 %) 1/3 (33.3 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 2/3 (66.7 %) 4/4 (100.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 2 4
Time-outs: 0 0

SOTG results

Spirit points:
Rules Knowledge and Use:
Fouls and Body Contact:
Positive Attitude and Self-Control:

Game history