Owls - Howard    8 - 6

#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
12Juan José Valencia404
4Armando Vlieg033
13Luis Eduardo Rodriguez303
11Juan Diego Pita022
5Carlos Arauz112
14Michael Sapzink011
6Emilio Zapata011
1Aitor 000
2Alex Cohen000
9Gian Fernando Cohen000
10Giancarlo Fabrega Romagosa000
17Sofia Elena Mata000
3Ana Lucia Moncada000
7Fernanda Padilla000
15Nicolas Palma000
8Gabriel Ramirez000
16Paola Sanchez000
16Samuel Castillo404
11Miguel Ferrante033
21Valeria Escamilla022
4Dubel Cubilla202
12Mirana Weber011
2Alyssa Adsett000
13Nicolas Aguilar000
6Emilio Allard000
3Christian Becerra000
9Leonardo Castillo000
15Patricio Enriquez000
7Jacobo Espinosa000
10Luis Gil000
8Jesus Hernandez000
1Adriana Jimenez000
14Osthin Morris000
19Thiago Pardo000
18Thais Pardo Gutierrez000
22Zoe Quintana000
5Dylan Reynier Scott000
17Sophie Souza000
20Tsiky Weber000
1 - 0Carlos Arauz Armando Vlieg 1.001.00
2 - 0Luis Eduardo Rodriguez Armando Vlieg 2.001.00
3 - 0Luis Eduardo Rodriguez Armando Vlieg 3.001.00
4 - 0Luis Eduardo Rodriguez Juan Diego Pita 4.001.00
5 - 0Juan José Valencia Juan Diego Pita 5.001.00
6 - 0Juan José Valencia Emilio Zapata 6.001.00
7 - 0Juan José Valencia Michael Sapzink 7.001.00
8 - 0Juan José Valencia Carlos Arauz 8.001.00
8 - 1Samuel Castillo Miguel Ferrante 9.001.00
8 - 2Samuel Castillo Miguel Ferrante 10.001.00
8 - 3Samuel Castillo Miguel Ferrante 11.001.00
8 - 4Samuel Castillo Mirana Weber 12.001.00
8 - 5Dubel Cubilla Valeria Escamilla 13.001.00
8 - 6Dubel Cubilla Valeria Escamilla 14.001.00

Game statistics

Goals: 8 6
Time on offence: 5.00 min (35.7 %) 9.00 min (64.3 %)
Time on defence: 9.00 min (64.3 %) 5.00 min (35.7 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.37 min 1.30 min
Time on defence/goal: 1.30 min 0.37 min
Goals from starting on offence: 0/5 (0.0 %) 1/9 (11.1 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 8/9 (88.9 %) 5/5 (100.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 8 5
Time-outs: 0 0

SOTG results

Spirit points:
Rules Knowledge and Use:
Fouls and Body Contact:
Positive Attitude and Self-Control:

Game history