Stackomplicao - Disco TK    4 - 13

#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
14Alfredo Nagib Mauad Arias123
1Alessandro Francolini112
4Rodolfo Arias011
8Maria Arosemena101
9Maria Victoria Marengo101
69Vasco Moises Arosemena Levy000
7Daniel Cabaleiro000
53Ricardo Cabaleiro000
15Maria Teresa Calvo000
22Estela De Araujo000
55Carlos Dominguez000
2Jose Ramon Fabrega000
21Giancarlo Fabrega Romagosa000
12Fabiana Goon000
3Jimena Guizado000
0Eduardo Healy000
11Ivan Icaza000
36Jaime Maduro000
20Jose Gabriel Marengo000
31John Moses M.000
23John Moses Q.000
24Carolina Porras000
17Patricia Quijano000
13Peter Stanziola000
97Antonio Touzard000
Disco TK
9Gabriel Zebede156
20Gabriel Bolívar606
30Jaime Lombana235
28Anna Ferrara022
128Ivan Alberto Bernal112
23Andre Mercier112
13Alexandra Zeimetz112
7Fernando Ford101
0Erasmo Abrahams000
19Andrea Alfaro000
2Ana Sofia Castro000
12Dayra Cowes000
5Ivan De Gea000
27Felipe Gonzalez000
11Marlene Mercier000
31Raquel Pasos000
63Carolina Ruiz000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1Gabriel Bolívar Gabriel Zebede 2.452.45
Offence 0.00
1 - 1Alessandro Francolini Rodolfo Arias 5.002.15
1 - 2Gabriel Zebede Anna Ferrara 7.302.30
1 - 3Gabriel Bolívar Anna Ferrara 9.051.35
1 - 4Andre Mercier Ivan Alberto Bernal 11.402.35
1 - 5Alexandra Zeimetz Gabriel Zebede 14.302.50
2 - 5Alfredo Nagib Mauad Arias Alessandro Francolini 17.353.05
2 - 6Gabriel Bolívar Jaime Lombana 19.452.10
2 - 7Gabriel Bolívar Gabriel Zebede 21.151.30
3 - 7Maria Arosemena Alfredo Nagib Mauad Arias 32.556.55
3 - 8Gabriel Bolívar Alexandra Zeimetz 34.401.45
3 - 9Fernando Ford Gabriel Zebede 36.402.00
3 - 10Jaime Lombana Gabriel Zebede 38.301.50
3 - 11Gabriel Bolívar Jaime Lombana 40.352.05
3 - 12Ivan Alberto Bernal Jaime Lombana 43.252.50
4 - 12Maria Victoria Marengo Alfredo Nagib Mauad Arias 45.452.20
4 - 13Jaime Lombana Andre Mercier 47.051.20

Game official: Fernanda Padilla y Juan Valencia

Game statistics

StackomplicaoDisco TK
Goals: 4 13
Time on offence: 27.40 min (65.4 %) 14.40 min (34.6 %)
Time on defence: 14.40 min (34.6 %) 27.40 min (65.4 %)
Time on offence/goal: 6.55 min 1.07 min
Time on defence/goal: 1.07 min 6.55 min
Goals from starting on offence: 3/12 (25.0 %) 4/5 (80.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 1/5 (20.0 %) 9/12 (75.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 1 9
Time-outs: 0 0

SOTG results

StackomplicaoDisco TK
Spirit points: 10 10
Rules Knowledge and Use: 2 2
Fouls and Body Contact: 2 2
Fair-Mindedness: 2 2
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: 2 2
Communication: 2 2

Game history