Pokemones - Frisbeasts    8 - 3

#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
6Anneliese Guerra033
91José Alexis Apolayo112
19Zachariah Pusti112
11Luisa Robles112
28Aratxa Jiménez202
95Fernando Pinillo202
13Ian Carlos Caballero011
21Laura González011
0Carlos Equiz101
22Aimee Marie Bravo000
18Giulietta Brugiati000
77Karla Canales000
7Andry Freites000
12Viviane Henriquez000
10Jhonatan Lee000
30Darinel Macias000
17Stephany Méndez000
42Monica Moreno000
27Sergio Moreno000
14José Rolando Palacios Castillo000
50Felipe Rettally000
9Eddy Rodriguez000
7Jose Luis Gomez022
17Cristian Pinzón202
10Samantha Rangel011
43Liz Marie Tribaldo101
18Maryory Alvarado Santos000
9Alessandra Amaya000
8Roberto Bouche000
11Luisfe Cruz000
12Sarah De La Guardia000
21Ricardo Echeverria000
22Saddyth Galeano000
1Eduardo Gonzalez000
16Piero Linares000
6Evaristo Madrid000
24Ana Lucia Martínez000
32Guillermo McPherson Dolande000
26Joyce Pérez000
99Gabriela Recuero000
23Laura Troetsch000
15Monica Troetsch000
30Gabriel Varela000
5Leo Varela000
19Antonio Adrian Vargas000
25Paula Vives000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1Cristian Pinzón Jose Luis Gomez 3.003.00
1 - 1José Alexis Apolayo Luisa Robles 10.457.45
Time-out 8.10
1 - 2Liz Marie Tribaldo Samantha Rangel 12.552.10
2 - 2Zachariah Pusti Anneliese Guerra 17.054.10
3 - 2Fernando Pinillo José Alexis Apolayo 21.054.00
4 - 2Luisa Robles Zachariah Pusti 22.401.35
5 - 2Aratxa Jiménez Ian Carlos Caballero 24.301.50
Time-out 24.00
6 - 2Carlos Equiz Anneliese Guerra 28.304.00
6 - 3Cristian Pinzón Jose Luis Gomez 38.505.20
7 - 3Aratxa Jiménez Anneliese Guerra 46.558.05
Time-out 41.25
8 - 3Fernando Pinillo Laura González 58.0011.05

Game official: Andrea Ahumada

Game statistics

Goals: 8 3
Time on offence: 25.20 min (47.8 %) 27.40 min (52.2 %)
Time on defence: 27.40 min (52.2 %) 25.20 min (47.8 %)
Time on offence/goal: 3.10 min 9.13 min
Time on defence/goal: 9.13 min 3.10 min
Goals from starting on offence: 3/4 (75.0 %) 2/7 (28.6 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 5/7 (71.4 %) 1/4 (25.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 5 1
Time-outs: 2 1

SOTG results

Spirit points: 10 9
Rules Knowledge and Use: 2 1
Fouls and Body Contact: 2 2
Fair-Mindedness: 2 2
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: 2 2
Communication: 2 2

Game history