Pokemones - Discordia    10 - 3

#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
95Fernando Pinillo213
19Zachariah Pusti213
50Felipe Rettally022
11Luisa Robles112
27Sergio Moreno202
22Aimee Marie Bravo011
18Giulietta Brugiati011
13Ian Carlos Caballero011
21Laura González011
9Eddy Rodriguez011
91José Alexis Apolayo101
0Carlos Equiz101
10Jhonatan Lee101
77Karla Canales000
7Andry Freites000
6Anneliese Guerra000
12Viviane Henriquez000
28Aratxa Jiménez000
30Darinel Macias000
17Stephany Méndez000
42Monica Moreno000
14José Rolando Palacios Castillo000
8Marivi Núñez022
27César Cedeño011
13Jorge Córdoba101
26Noriel González101
1Andrew Sollberger101
19Carlos Ayarza000
11Martin Candanedo000
20Eileen Córdoba000
15Juan Cornejo000
0Luis Arturo Crespo000
25Lían Lee000
29Amanda Lescure000
7Carla Man000
69Abraham Maure000
14Heriberto Olier000
10Franklin Quintero000
28Nicholas Sandoval000
2Adriana Sima000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1Jorge Córdoba César Cedeño 2.052.05
0 - 2Andrew Sollberger Marivi Núñez 4.402.35
1 - 2Luisa Robles Felipe Rettally 8.253.45
2 - 2Sergio Moreno Aimee Marie Bravo 12.053.40
3 - 2Jhonatan Lee Zachariah Pusti 14.552.50
4 - 2Fernando Pinillo Luisa Robles 20.105.15
5 - 2José Alexis Apolayo Laura González 26.506.40
Time-out 24.25
6 - 2Zachariah Pusti Eddy Rodriguez 32.255.35
7 - 2Carlos Equiz Felipe Rettally 40.152.15
8 - 2Sergio Moreno Ian Carlos Caballero 45.104.55
9 - 2Zachariah Pusti Fernando Pinillo 52.207.10
9 - 3Noriel González Marivi Núñez 56.304.10
10 - 3Fernando Pinillo Giulietta Brugiati 61.505.20
Time-out 59.05

Game official: Arundel Hall

Game statistics

Goals: 10 3
Time on offence: 13.55 min (24.7 %) 42.20 min (75.3 %)
Time on defence: 42.20 min (75.3 %) 13.55 min (24.7 %)
Time on offence/goal: 1.23 min 14.06 min
Time on defence/goal: 14.06 min 1.23 min
Goals from starting on offence: 3/4 (75.0 %) 2/9 (22.2 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 7/9 (77.8 %) 1/4 (25.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 7 1
Time-outs: 2 0

SOTG results

Spirit points: 10 10
Rules Knowledge and Use: 2 2
Fouls and Body Contact: 2 2
Fair-Mindedness: 2 2
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: 2 2
Communication: 2 2

Game history