Rocket Power - Hot Wheels    9 - 1

Rocket Power
#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
5Jacinto Alain033
12Nessim Braddick022
22Abdeel Guevara112
4Ana Laura Wong112
77Diego Frauca202
3Valeria Mack202
14Miguel Rosas202
19Andrés González011
15Tiana González011
7Valeria Frauca101
16Andrea Botero000
20Ana Gabriela Cárdenas000
8Cristian Cardoso000
10Liz Corbett000
17Diana De La Cruz000
0Eduardo León000
87Félix Montero000
Hot Wheels
14Mauricio Bastidas011
1Renzo Saleh101
15Ana Isabel Amado000
12Dayra Cowes000
8Luisa Flores000
7Andrea Galindo000
97Brahian Gonzalez000
21Arundel Hall000
29Michelle Holder000
53Juan Diego Infante000
22Victor Lam000
71Alexandra Lasso000
17Esteban Lemus000
34Sandra Pinzon000
10Nicole Ramos000
3Ana Rebeca Reyes000
25Natalia Reyes000
11Giancarlo Rodriguez000
23Karen Rodríguez000
0Miguel Varela000
2María Gabriela Vergara000
28Thomas Weinert000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0Valeria Mack Abdeel Guevara 9.109.10
2 - 0Diego Frauca Tiana González 20.3011.20
Time-out 14.30
3 - 0Diego Frauca Jacinto Alain 25.355.05
4 - 0Miguel Rosas Jacinto Alain 28.002.25
5 - 0Valeria Mack Nessim Braddick 34.006.00
Time-out 32.15
6 - 0Valeria Frauca Jacinto Alain 43.309.30
7 - 0Ana Laura Wong Nessim Braddick 49.155.45
7 - 1Renzo Saleh Mauricio Bastidas 51.402.25
8 - 1Abdeel Guevara Andrés González 56.304.50
9 - 1Miguel Rosas Ana Laura Wong 58.452.15

Game statistics

Rocket PowerHot Wheels
Goals: 9 1
Time on offence: 4.50 min (8.2 %) 53.55 min (91.8 %)
Time on defence: 53.55 min (91.8 %) 4.50 min (8.2 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.32 min 53.55 min
Time on defence/goal: 53.55 min 0.32 min
Goals from starting on offence: 1/1 (100.0 %) 1/9 (11.1 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 8/9 (88.9 %) 0/1 (0.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 8 0
Time-outs: 1 1

SOTG results

Rocket PowerHot Wheels
Spirit points: 10 10
Rules Knowledge and Use: 2 2
Fouls and Body Contact: 2 2
Fair-Mindedness: 2 2
Positive Attitude and Self-Control: 2 2
Communication: 2 2

Game history